Author: Tarique Habibullah
code | name | description |
iss |
Issuer | Identifies principal that issued the JWT. |
sub |
Subject | Identifies the subject of the JWT. |
aud |
Audience | Identifies the recipients that the JWT is intended for. Each principal intended to process the JWT must identify itself with a value in the audience claim. If the principal processing the claim does not identify itself with a value in the aud claim when this claim is present, then the JWT must be rejected |
exp |
Expiration time | Identifies the expiration time on or after which the JWT must not be accepted for processing. The value should be in NumericDate[10] format. |
nbf |
Not before | Identifies the time on which the JWT will start to be accepted for processing. |
iat |
Issued at | Identifies the time at which the JWT was issued. |
jti |
JWT ID | Case sensitive unique identifier of the token even among different issuers. |